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Is the world getting progressively better or worse and why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It seems to be getting worse but this means that more of the positive type people are getting louder and rising up to do something, simply because they can't just sit and let it all happen. And when enough of them have got the ball rolling, the media will get on board and then everyone else will too. Well, it's already happening, isn't it? That's why you've got all the solar panel talk and anti-Howard/Bush talk etc etc. The people are trying to steer themselves right, against the money-manufacturing plans of the governments.

As to why, I think it's because of what I call problematic solutions. It's all the fixers that the authorities come up with that don't actually fix the problem and create new problems to boot. Like making drugs illegal. It doesn't stop people from taking them, it turns them into criminals but at least everyone else can happily ignore why people, their own people, are turning to drugs in the first place. Yeah, we've got some real thinkers in places of high authority :P

I had a funny thought yesterday. We have electricity and fuel-run engines to do our menial tasks for us, like laundry, walking etc. We go to the gym to compensate for the lack of exercise. Someone (can't remember who) suggested we tap into the gym equipment to feed the electricty grid. Now, if that ever happened, we'd be back at square one. Funny, isn't it? :)