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What were the major turning points of the civil war in date sequence? which side won each time?

why was each turning point a "turning point"??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1st Manassas - CSA victory befuddles the Union and emboldens the South.

Wilson's Creek, MO - CSA victory again emboldens the Southern efforts in the Trans-Mississippi Theater and the arrival of Grant in that theater heralds great things for the Union.

The Seven Days - Lee enters the stage after Joseph E. Johnston is wounded at Seven Pines. Perhaps the most significant event in the East as Lee's victory over McClellan firmly establishes him as the pre-eminent Southern General.

Shiloh - Grant and Sherman are caught with their pants down by Albert Sidney Johnston. Gen. Prentiss successfuly delaying action at the Hornets Nest gives Grant the time to build a final line. Buell arrives to reinforce and the second day goes to Grant and Lee -- Braxton Bragg replaces the fallen Albert Sidney Johnston and the CSA Army of Tennessee begins its long dark journey with Bragg.

Pea Ridge, AR --- CSA Gen. Van Dorn's brilliantly conceived attack on USA Gen. Curtis at Elkhorn Tavern fails just as brilliantly. Missouri is once and for all secured for the Union.

Perryville, KY -- Bragg's Kentucky invasion ends in futility and Kentucky is secured once and for all in the Union Camp.

2nd Manassas -- Stonewall Jackson holds on long enough for Lee and Longstreet to pound USA Gen. Pope -- setting the stage for Lee's 1st Invasion of the North.

Antietam - McClellan's greatest opportunity to defeat Lee and win the war in the east is lost as CSA Gen. AP Hill arrives after a 12 mile march from Harper's Ferry and the fact that McClellan was not Grant and could not bear the cost.

Stones River -- Bragg's brilliant attack nearly destroys USA Gen. Rosecrans, but Sheridan holds the Round Forest long enough for Rosecrans to cobble his line back together. The next day Bragg launches a frontal assault intended to destroy his detractors in the Army of Tennessee, primarily the troops of the Orphan Brigade of Gen. Breckinridge. Bragg's assault on the Army of Tennessee is more successful than Rosecrans.

Fredricksburg --- Burnsides launches idiotic frontal assaults on Lee's fortified positions on Marye's Heights. Following his repulse he conducts the infamous "Mud March". He is sacked shortly thereafter.

Chancellorsville - Lee's greatest moment as he divides his force, sends Stonewall Jackson on his great flank attack and knocks the stuffing out of USA Gen. Hooker and the Army of the Potomac. Stonewall Jackson is mortally wounded and the fortunes of the Army of Northern Virginia are dealt a permanent blow.

Vicksburg - Grant and Sherman secure the Mississippi River and the attention of Lincoln.

Gettysburg --- Lee pushes for the final battle that will decide the war and in three days pushes his army to the breaking point. Pickett's Charge is the final gasp of a battle already lost on day two at Little Round Top. Meade wins just by holding on and fails to pursue Lee, thus ensuring that Grant will one day be his boss.

Tullahoma --- USA Gen. Rosecrans performs the greatest strategic movement of the war while losing nary a man and seizes Chattanooga from a befuddled Braxton Bragg.

Chickamauga -- Longstreet arrives to help Braxton Bragg deal with Rosecrans. In two days, Rosecrans' army is sent fleeing into Chattanooga as the Army of Tennessee enjoys one of the Confederacy's greatest victories. Typically though, Bragg fails to follow up his success and lets his army shiver and starve during the seige of Chattanooga.

Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge -- CSA Gen. Patrick Cleburne hurls Sherman's attack on Tunnel Hill back only to discover that the feint attack led by USA Gen. Thomas' men has succeeded in routing Bragg's troops on Missionary Ridge. Grant and Sherman win one more thanks to Gen. Thomas.

The Wilderness - Grant launches his assault on Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia. Lee's troops prevail, but Grant shows he can take a punch and moves to the right flank of Lee in a race to Spotsylvania.

Spotsylvania and the "Mule Shoe" -- Lee thanks to the all night march of Gen. Anderson's corps wins the race to Spotsylvania. But Lee makes an error in leaving the Mule Shoe Salient hanging out in front of his lines. USA Gen. Emory Upton is given the change to test a new tactic of a focused assault on a single point with a column of brigades. The Mule Shoe is struck and struck hard. Grant tries again and the slaughter of the Mule Shoe Salient provides perhaps the most awful single engagement of the American Civil War. Lee manages to survive and rebuilt a secondary line thanks to CSA Gen. Ramseur's stand and the self sacrifice of the Texas Brigage who order Lee to the rear before they will charge the Union juggernaut.

Cold Harbor -- Grant over-reaches believing that Lee's troops are on the ropes. Grant's troops are bloodily repulsed by the entrenched veterans of the Army of Northern Virginia.

Petersburg -- Grant finally beseiges Lee with time and resources on his side.

Back in the West -- Atlanta -- Sherman's Atlanta campaign is a success after Jefferson Davis replaces Joseph E. Johnston with John Bell Hood. Hood bleeds the Army of Tennessee white in brutal frontal assaults against Sherman.

Sherman's March -- following Atlanta - Sherman heads for the sea and history while Hood embarks on a doomed journey back to Nashville, TN.

Spring Hill, TN -- Hood misses a chance to destroy the corps of USA Gen. Schofield as they flee to Nashville. Schofield marches to safety during the night right past Hood's sleeping troops.

Franklin, TN --- out of rage for the Spring Hill failure, Hood launches his army in a charge greater than that of Pickett at Gettysburg. The Army of Tennessee makes no less than 13 charges against Schofield's entrenched troops. 6 Confederate Generals are killed and 7000 men are lost in four hours as Hood destroys the flower of the Army of Tennessee.

Nashville -- Hood continues on his doomed destiny and sieges Gen. Thomas at Nashville. Thomas bides his time and finally attacks in in two days destroys the once great CSA Army of Tennessee. The war in the west is over.

Five Forks -- after months of fruitless siege - Grant finally wins the crucial victory that dislodges Lee from his works at Petersburg. Richmond falls.

Sailors (Saylers) Creek -- Lee's army is again battered and practically destroyed as Ewell's corps is surrounded and forced to surrender.

Appomatox -- Lee, realizing that further conflict will only cost more lives for no gain, surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia. The Confederacy is no more.