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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Poem....if you have to time read for your pleasure. thankyou.?


Poem....if you have to time read for your pleasure. thankyou.?

The Image of.....(you fill in the blank...)

Those ocean colored eyes with golden rings.
That chesnut hair with flips like wings.

Long and slender nose, prefered to some liking.
Ears that are small, much unlike a viking.

Cheeks once puffy, but now sucken in.
A cute, but, unnoticible little chin.

A hairline that receeds, but not to far.
Lips that are flawless, not to large.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That was nice. Your fill in the image title sort of reminds me of a scene by Bill Murray in Groundhog day when he is asking his love interest what her perfect guy was like and to each answer he said: Me, Me, Sounds a lot like me. I'm really close here. Well, I personally am not really close here, but it was a nice descriptive read.