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American history, post-confederation?

I'm kind of confused about Alexander Hamilton, and how he fixed many of the economic disparities in the US, shortly after it became a nation. If anyone could explain this to me, or knows of any good websites that could, that would be great! I'm so confused.
Thanks so much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hamilton's number one goal was to strengthen the national government. He did this in many ways, namely:
1. Assumption of state debts - the national gov't would pay the states debts to draw them nearer to the national government.
2. Creation of a national debt: to cause the states to feel united under one goal
3. Excise taxes: to tax certain parts of the country on different items. Namely the whiskey tax in backcountry PA. This allowed him to crush the Whiskey revolt and prove that the national gov't was a force not to be reckoned with.