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What happens to pearl in scarlet letter??

i was told by my english teacher (after i repeatly told her how much the book got under my skin. an i was waiting for something REALLY good to happen.) (this was in chapter 5, by chapter 7 i loved the book.) anyway, i was told by her, to wait and see what happens to pearl at the end, she said "this will interest you, and dont come crying on my shoulder." naturauly i thoguht something bad was going to happen to pearl, but no, nothing, am i readin wrong, please tell me what you got out of the text, and what really happens to her?? thanks in advance =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think what your teacher is talking about is that at the end of the novel, Pearl is publicly recognized by her father (Rev. Dimmesdale.) Remember how she continually asked Dimmesdale throughout the novel if he would hold her hand or kiss her forehead in front of the rest of the town? He always said no because of his shame for the sin he committed. Well, just before he dies, he stands with both Pearl and Hester on that stage thingy in the public square, holds each of their hands, and admits that he is Pearl's father and that he loves Hester. This is what makes most people cry. Not Pearl's happily ever after in Europe.