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Another question of character names.....?

i asked what a good name for a girl character would be, but does anyone think, for a main character that's sort of a heroine, that Annabelle would be a good name? (me and my friend are writing a story for kill-summer-time) or would that not be... strong enough for the character? would it make her seem too girly or would it actually sound tough-ish? and is black hair and dark brown eyes a good idea, or no? thank you:]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay Anna, have some faith in your character name and description, you are a writer and should write to please no-one but yourself, you are accountable to no-one but yourself the story is yours and it should remain so. If you have a problem with Annabell but find the character only works right for you if you call her by that name then maybe have the character comment that she hates the name, or something like that, it doesn't matter what other people think of the character and sometimes a character works because the name doesn't suite them, parents don't consult with us when they name us and that is a pattern you should use in stories, if every character liked their name it wouldn't be realistic. and Annabell being a sweet name, if she is a sour personality it can work all the more, it's ironic. And if you like the way she looks, then don't change it for anybody.

Lauren. Erin is an Irish GIRLS name, which excludes it from the whole boyish name thing, as Erin is a Gaelic poetic name for Ireland and Ireland is viewed in the feminine by us Irish, as a clue it is also known poetically as Kathleen Ni Houlihan. Definitely feminine. Nothing boyish about it. Other cultures don't always use the Latin A to define the feminine sex and as Rome invaded Ireland in the last few decades of their reign over northern Europe they didn't have much influence over the evolution of Irish culture and language.