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Life is not fair, why?

Life is not fair, it just plain is not. Now, I am not talikng of having life easy or understandable, just fair.

Think about it for a second and you will get what I mean. Is life fair to the child who dies of starvation? Is life fair to the people who die in a plane crash? Is life fair to the victims of a serial killer? No.

So my question is why is life not fair? Why is it that some have wealth, security and prosperity and others have none? Why is it that some have to struggle for everything that they have and other just breeze through?

Iife is not fair, Why?

Please explain your reasoning.

Serious answers only.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i think life has been very generous to us all. there's plenty of resources for everyone. what you see as unfair in life is nothing but mere human greed. consider the parents of an obese, spoiled child in france. if they are only kind and loving enough to reduce 20 euros in their food budget and donate that on a regular basis to that one starving child in africa then that starving child need not die. plane crash?it was you who said that life need not be easy just fair. perhaps if we begin to live a little simpler, spend more time with our families and be content with what we have, then there's no reason for us to travel far and wide. we are simply paying the price of our being overbold. serial killers are our victims too. if we only become more passionate and understanding and sensitive to the emotional and financial needs of others then perhaps just perhaps the killings stop too. but hell no! we tend to brush these things aside because we are too consumed in making our lives better than the others. that's why others are left out. we are the culprit here. we are to blame. and consider that many of us are still alive today id have to conclude that life on the contrary is understanding and tolerant.