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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I'm a teenager, and I wrote a small book. Any chance of it getting published?


I'm a teenager, and I wrote a small book. Any chance of it getting published?

I'm just wondering if there are any publishers that I could send my book, or manuscript as I like to call it, to. I'm only fifteen, and I could only find things that accept books from adults. I also don't want to self-publish anything or pay a lot of money just to publish. I know that the major publishers require a literary agent, so that's out...Thanks for any input on this.

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4 days ago
It's also a children's book, if that makes any difference.

4 days ago
Thanks Obi_San, you rock! Thanks a lot. I was intimidated by the idea of an agent because I thought that I had to pay and that there was a long, complicated, parent-involving-though-they'r... procedure but I was wrong. Those sites were extremely helpful, and I'm really grateful.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 days ago
It's also a children's book, if that makes any difference.