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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> What is it with Women pianists? Speaking for myself, we are so effing dinky!?


What is it with Women pianists? Speaking for myself, we are so effing dinky!?

The men are so much better. Why ever? The shoulder girdle?

They say that physiologically men's shoulders are "meant" to pick up piles of wood for the fire, and women to pick up babies.

Is that it? Our shoulders? Speaking for myself again (I'm lying ...I just don't want to be caught ... I think women pianists, like women conductors, lack warmth if nothing else, and that would be bad enough right there, but we *also* aren't talented, either ...I mean, how many women pianists do you know who you *don't* have to patronize under your breath with "That's lovely, dear!" ???)

So...what is it? The size of the instrument? Our spines? A lack of objectivity? Lack of foresight? We don't sing pretty?

Just so ditsy! AAAaargh!

I'll just go for some sherry. I'll be alright in a few.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think its a soul thing. Women are nurturing whereas the male is more confrontational in his outlook. You can put it down to hormones if you prefer. I think a woman plays piano as a friend where a man plays it as a potential foe.
This is a little profound for me at this time of the morning but because I have no sherry in the house I had to have an extra large espresso instead !
As to Conductors....I think we are just more comfortable with the image of a man with a stick in his hand than a woman. Freud eat your heart out.