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What does 'Durmstrang' mean?

There's Hogwarts, a mixture of Hog and Warts and
Beauxbatons, a mixture of Beaux (Beautiful) and Batons (Sticks), but what about Durmstrang?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "durmstrang" is even more of a joke than the other two. it's from "sturm und drang", which is a (german) term used to refer to the romantic period of german arts (late 18th/early 19th century, goethe and the like.)

"sturm" is german for storm. "drang" is german for pressure or stress. the music and literature of this period was characterized by high passion and drama. the euro/american stereotype of the german and central european personality originated in the german arts of the sturm und drang period (heavy, anguished, depressing), and this is the stereotype that rowling was playing on when she created durmstrang.