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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Whats is the book where a black man enters the army, with hazing and was torture


Whats is the book where a black man enters the army, with hazing and was tortured. Author o'something.?

-the story is told from the perspective of a white "soldier" (could have been the navy, i forget)
-they plan a system where the black soldier leaves notes for the protaganist if he feels he's in mortal danger, these notes are sabotaged
-there is a "group" on campus (forget the name) that threatens to kill him, and protaganist finds the black soldier tied up and being tortured by fellow soldiers
-a general that everyone likes on campus protects the black soldier
-there is a hazing process in the academy called "hell week"
-Author's name is O' something (i.e. O'reilly, O'connor)
-Cover looks like an old southern novel
-A sentance in the first chapter about the rich houses in the area, referred to as a "magnificent archipeglio" or something similar

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sounds really really familiar....

I may be confusing it w/ another book...but I think it's "The Lord's of Discipline" by Pat Conroy??