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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Do you think the war in Iraq could be turned around if we had a Patton or MacArt


Do you think the war in Iraq could be turned around if we had a Patton or MacArthur leading our boys?

OK, I don't necessarily support the causes of the war, but I do support our men and men fighting over there. And frankly I think it's a pile of crap that the media is constantly harassing our Armed Forces. how are they supposed to get anything done? Yes, people will die, it's a war and there will be collateral damage. Do you ever wonder if someone like George Patton or Douglas MacArthur, someone who wouldn't put up with all the horses*** from politicians and the media, could lead our army and turn this whole thing around?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No.

It's not the military leaders. It's the political leaders.

Remember, MacArthur could have won Korea if Truman hadn't kept him on a tight rein, and eventually fired him for having the balls know...try to WIN the war.

America could win the war in Iraq in 48 hours, if we simply unleashed our war dogs and let them do what they were trained to do. Unfortunately, America has been too long exposed to liberalism, and too many politicians and citizens believe that nobody should get hurt in war.