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I'm looking for a transparent grid to use in drawing off of photos...?

Hi all. I don't really have any artistic talent but I have found that if I place a transparent grid over a photo, and draw the photo square by square, I can do a rather nice job.

I know that other people draw like this, too. But I can't find one of these transparent grids anywhere! I think I must be using the wrong name or words or something in google.

Anyway, they look like those plastic sheets that you would put on top of an overhead projector, except there is a grid drawn on them. It looks like a transparent piece of graph paper. If you know what I'm talking about, can you tell me where to find one - or at least what the real name of those things are?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My favorite product for grid drawing is called GridArt.
It is designed for both painting and drawing.
Their site offers information on "The Grid Method", as well as a video demo of the products.
The product that best suits drawing/sketching is the
"GridArt Toolkit":
Product includes 15 transparent image guides (for any size picture from standard sizes like 9x12" and 16x20" to custom sizes like 50x82"), corner guides, GridArt ruler, etc...price is $12.95 U.S.
I use it and it's a great buy. It's available at many art or frame shops, call around.

"Drawing with a Grid" article on

"Make Your Own Grid" info:

Acetate report covers (the kind for school projects) also work well for small projects. Draw 1" squares (with permanent marker) on one side of the clear cover, and 1/2" squares on the other (for more detailed work). You can then slip your photo inside the clear folder and use the grid size that works best.

Good luck with your art!