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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Have you ever felt those moments in your life where you doubt everything?


Have you ever felt those moments in your life where you doubt everything?

Yourself, what you feel and worry, what if you trained yourself to feel this way, living a lie, or doubting what you feel. All these what if its in my head or what if I don't really love/care.
All that? Just malfunction for no reason and be insecure?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Doubt is natural and essential. If we did not doubt ourselves and others, we could not improve ourselves. "To err is human..." I doubt my future a lot and my motives for what I do often. I doubt my feelings for people as well. Often, this doubt just leads me to realize that I DO feel that strongly, but sometimes I realize I made a mistake. Time is the only real way to determine what is best, and the only really right thing to do is follow your gut.
"The biggest regrets concern what one does not do rather than what one does."