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Luna Lovegood ideas!!!!?

I wanna go to the pre-release HP7 party as Luna, but I'm having trouble finding a cocky enough outfit! help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wear baggy-ish jeans, your hair straight down and scraggly, a shirt with an interesting slogan, and (of course) raddish earrings!! Natural makeup, with green sparkly nailpolish would be great too (can't you just picture her wearing wild nail polish?!). Have a lot of bangles and a couple of long necklaces (with really random colors and beads) and have a tabloid magazine (like National Enquirer...instead of the one she always reads!!). Shoes--just wear tennies! Oh--you could also wear some "spector specs" like the ones she is wearing when Harry first meets her in the fifth book.....idk, that might be a bit excessive. Just make sure to have the crazy earrings!!
Hope this helped! Have fun at the party!!