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How do I become a professional tattoo artist and do body piercing?

I would like to do body piercings and tattooing I am a very good artist and have done a few tattoos on myself and friends and I have done piercings and know alot about it, and would like to become a professional, what do I have to do to accomplish this.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am from Philly and I would say to continue the way you're doing it to make a name for yourself. Tattoo others for free (or dirt cheap) for practice, and ask them to tell a friend. But take pictures of everything you do (and make multiple copies!!) This way you have a portfolio. Make certain that you have the right equipment (eBay is a good place to pick new things up) and make sure you teach yourself how to use the equipment safely, and be very anal about this. This will benefit you greatly later on, as people will dismiss your artistry altogether if you are not clean and safe.

When you have done loads of tattoos, you can ask around for apprenticeship at shops (use a letter of interest, and provide copies of your photos, like presenting a portfolio). This may not work though, it's a rough industry.

You could work for yourself. Keep tattooing people independently. Promote yourself to them, pry them to send their friends to you.....make business cards or have them printed. Give them out, post them at relevant places like bars and clubs. GO TO bars and clubs to purposefully promote yourself. And of course, raise your prices a bit as you get more people an more of a name, but never charge as much as a shop would. Give people deals. Always take pictures to keep your portfolio growing (carry some with your equipment kit, so you always have something to show.) And always be safe.