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Music Man Auditions!!?

I am auditioning for musical called the music man and I don't know who to audition for or what to sing.

I am a 15 year old girl who has an alto voice but can reach some saprano high notes.(ex. Mandy Moore in Only Hope). Any thing would be greatly appriciated. I really want to get a lead. It would also help if you have been in the play.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "The Music Man" is one of the most charming shows ever written. It's also one of the few examples of a film version being almost identical to the original stage version, so seek out the 1962 film version that has Robert Preston and Shirley Jones.

The female lead is Marian Paroo, but she really is a true soprano role. Her music spends a good deal of time in the mid-range, but she nonetheless does quite a bit of "soaring" throughout.

However, every role in that show is fun. You could audition for Marian's mother, Mrs. Paroo, who is a great comedic role and sings some charming stuff. But Mrs. Shinn, the Mayor's wife, is even funnier, although she doesn't do much singing.

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