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To Persephone:?

Even a blind person could see your disgust for the Clique series. I was wondering how you felt about the Harry Potter series and others that are extremely popular. What about A Series of Unfortunate Events? Everyone of my literature teachers has hated those books and I agree with them that they are completely monotone.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First of all , it's Persiphone. Avec un i. That's the way my father spelled it - dont blame me. The E was moved to Hellecat.

Secondly, yes I do have a tremendous disgust for the clique series. I think they represent a very poor image for young girls. Do YOU know many girls who carry 3 thousand dollar Prada messenger bags to 7th grade or wear Jimmy Cho stilettos? I do not. They also portray girls starving themselves on Zone and other diets trying to lose tremendous amounts of weight in short periods of time. They portray children who are rude to parents, teachers and servants. They subliminally use images of child molestation. If you would like to write to me, I would be happy to send you one. I will not post one here. Touching children inappropriately is not something I would write about even in jest. EVER They teach young girls it's "cute" to be stupid and cheat in school. They portray girls who lie. One of the so called rich girls isnt even rich. She sneaks into a rich apartment building every day to get picked up for school. They treat other children terribly. Shall I go on? That is a terrible image for young girls to emulate.

On the other hand, there is a wonderful Young Adult book out there called The Earth, My Butt and Other Big Round Things. It has won a TON of awards for excellence in YA literature. It is a very positive image for young women.

Maximum Ride is another excellent image for young woman. She is strong, self reliant, independent, intelligent, a problem solver, a nurturer, loyal to her friends ... shall I go on?

Who would you rather see young girls emulate? Massie whatever in the Clique or Maximum Ride?

I took the clique books away from my great niece and replaced them with The Earth, Maximum Ride, Wuthering Heights and We Have Always Lived in the Castle. She adored them all and will never read a clique again. It is a waste of her time.

As for Harry Potter and Unfortunate Events, I got bored with Harry about halfway through book 2, but I have read them all and will read the last when I get around to it.

I find Unfortunate Events started out great. They were hip, fresh, they had a lot of hip "inside jokes" in them - as though the author knew mom and dad were reading over the kids' shoulders. Somewhere along the line, it kind of lost its edginess - which was unfortunate LOL...

Personally, right now the edgiest, hippest author out there is Christopher Moore. I have exchanged several personal letters with him and he is as funny in his letters as in his books. Bloodsucking Fiends and You Suck were hysterical. A Dirty Job was great. Lamb made me literally laugh out loud on a train. He is probably the best new author out there.

I am an author. I do not write Young Adult materials and quite honestly I would be very upset to find kids reading my books. Movies, video games and music cd's are rated. Books are not. Any kid could walk into B and N and buy my books. I would prefer they did not. I am entirely in favor of Young Adult books - however I believe that Young Adult authors like Lisi Harrison have gone beyond the realm of good taste and do not take their position as role model seriously. Hence, the crap they write.

I would LOVE to take her on one day on Oprah or Tyra. Believe me - I would kick her irresponsible butt. Pax - C