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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> If you had to buy your existence, how much would it cost in monetary terms?


If you had to buy your existence, how much would it cost in monetary terms?

Ie your body, organs and brain were all on hire purchase, what would be the monthly bill?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's incredibly hard to put a price tag on something we all consider extremely valuable like our existence, basically, our life. As opposed to a kidney or a lung, our concept of existence is completely abstract. I mean, perhaps we can all imagine selling a kidney (organ trafficking and whatnot) but none of us can imagine anyone selling some human existence.

In any case, if I were to actually buy my existence I'd probably use every single bit of money I have. I obviously would rather live than have nice clothes, internet, and cable tv. Perhaps if we all were to pay for our lives, we would spend less time and money on pointless celebrity magazines, for example.

Somehow, I find it much easier to think of organ prices. I'd say $250 a month for small organs (Im thinking kidneys), $350 for a reproductive organ, and $500 for the really really important ones (brain, lungs, and heart). Im still not sure in what category I'd put in my liver, stomach, intestines, and pancreas...probably around the $400 range.