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This is my fav poem, will you tell me what you think please???

ok everyone, out of all the poems i've written, I think this one is my favorite..tell me what you think!!!

Love out of a box (the sly fox)

They were once together fine,
till a fight left one behind,
They were once together true,
till a false-hood let undue,
All the things they said before,
traveled with one to the door,
They were not sly like the fox,
they never thought outisde the box.
Then one day one got a call,
with tears of joy, that one did fall,
on knees and to the ground,
never a cry such a happy sound,
for the other like a fox,
Let love outside the box,
So together they went again,
letting joy and love back in,
So sly and like that fox,
They shared their love within the box.......

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: MMMM Jack in the box sounds good i've got the munchies =)