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Desperately looking for a photograph I saw of a black man and white woman entangled in provocative positions!?

I fist saw these black and white photographs in a coffee shop in Wurzburg Germany...does anyone know the name of the photographer or a website that would allow me to find the prints? Or, does anyone know of any similar photographs! They were gorgeous photos and really took my breath away, but I have never been able to get an info or find them since...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Several photographers come to mind from your description. The first photographer that comes to mind is Eikoh Hosoe( be aware of course that the images may not be appropriate for all viewers)
The next work photographer who did a similar series althoug beit a bit more racy was by Robert Maplethorpe.
The cost of original Maplethorpe or Hosoe images cost thousands of dollars but you can find lots of really nice books by Hosoe or Maplethorpe