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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> This is my oldest poem...give me your opinion of it please!!?


This is my oldest poem...give me your opinion of it please!!?

This poem was actually written a few years before the whole 9/11 incident...but here it is..tell me if you like it...constructive criticism welcome!


Four Score & Seven Years ago,
Our father's sought no gold,
Tells of Justice, and rightful doing,
The Stories oh so old.
Paul Revere rode his horse,
Through the Brittish Abode,
To the Light house on the shore,
For Liberties would not be sold.
On the shores of Manhattan,
for all the world to see,
The biggest symbols of our nation,
Our flag, and Lady Liberty.
Our people weren't called "troops"
Although they fought to win,
When they all fell down
They stood up again and yet again.
Yes Four score and seven years ago,
Our father's sought no pride,
So if that time ever comes again,
Will you stand up or run and hide?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Excellent despite a few rough spots. I assume you see them and sentimentality for your first tells you to leave them where they are. But your first one was a goodie: you do know how to make the most out of a great last line.