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If you had a radio show...?

If you had a radio show what would it be like? What genre of music would you play and what songs? I have to create my own radio show for school and although I have pretty much decided on what I want to play I'm curious to see what kind of music other people would play and what you would talk about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was a radio DJ for five years. It was fun. I basically played what I liked to hear.

Here are a list of bands I like, and played (I just copied the list off my myspace)

a perfect circle, alaska highway, atrocity, bile, children of bodom, collide, depeche mode, evanessance, front 242, frontline assembly, garbage, godhead, godkomplex, in flames, klute, kmfdm, lacuna coil, leaves eyes, megadeth, ministry, nightwish, nine inch nails, orgy, paradise lost, pig, skinny puppy, smashing pumpkins, stabbing westward, static x, TOOL, trustfall, type o negative, vast, velvet acid christ, vnv vation, etc etc ..

I did some talk too:
concert reviews,
concert updates
book reviews
video game reviews
movie reviews
and of course album reviews

It was a cool job. I got to go to a lot of concerts, get behind stage, meet artists. I even got invited on a tour bus one time. The band told me to wait for them outside after the concert and I could party with them on the bus, but some cops were all angry and made us leave. Even though we had passes and everything, they didn't believe us, and were being all stupid. Ooh well.

But you should talk about things, and play things that you are really familiar with. It makes your show flow better if you know what you're talking about and what you're playing. If you go on not knowing what you're talking about, no ones gonna want to listen to you. A lot of the time I would wing it, and play what ever I wanted on the spot. I don't really recommend doing that. You should go into the show knowing what you are going to play, what you are going to talk about, and so on.

Once you get started, record yourself and play it back to yourself. Ask yourself, if you fell upon your show when flipping through stations, would you listen to it? Playing your shows back to you also help improve on your up coming shows. You will be able to know what you sound like, if you need to talk slower, or louder. You will hear your mistakes and learn how to fix them.

The more you do it, the more you will be able to train yourself, and it will become second nature. If you're doing the show without a co-host, which I did for three out of the five years I did my show, it could be a little weird. It's like, who am I talking to? I'm sitting in room talking to myself for two hours straight. But I dunno....I got used to it. And I had fun! Lots of concerts, Band Merchandise, Back Stage, and the whole experience in general. Not too many people can say they were a radio DJ!

After five years, I had enough. Now I waitress and work at a liquore store! Haha!

Good luck! Be yourself!