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Denial/positivity vs truth/negativity?

I started to read a book called "The Secret" and found it very interesting. Apparently all the bad (negative) things that happen to you are caused by negative thoughts.

So my question to you all is, if being positive about yourself includes ignoring the bad negative thoughts that go through your mind and only focussing on your perception of good, doesn't that mean that you are purposely deluding yourself?

Like if you tell yourself you have lots of money and are able to have everything you need, (so that it will come true) aren't you really lying to yourself?

Does this create a dangerous deluded state of mind or the beginnings of change to the better?

Curious as to your responses!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The negative is arguably just as much a "delusion" as positive is. Actually not a delusion but a proposition, or a perception of what could be.

We don't know the future. Pessimists expect everything to turn out badly, idealists expect everything to turn out well. The irony is that your expectations actually play a part in creating the future. Your thoughts have an energy. The energy that you put out there comes back to you. So you might as well radiate positive energy & attract good things to you. Hey, it can't hurt.

Most of my life I've been negative & attracted bad luck. Once I started being positive good things began to happen. But I still have relapses. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. I get tired, sick, I feel weak, things go wrong & it's hard to maintain a positive attitude.

Yes sometimes the truth is bad. Deluding yourself isn't the answer but wallowing doesn't help. When faced with a bad situation, try to find something positive you can do, some concrete action you can take to solve it rather than just bemoaning your situation. & sometimes the truth is good. Believing the worst all the time is not realistic, it's pessimistic and it actually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Some people say negative things to themselves all the time: "I'm stupid, lazy, ugly, etc etc" these words are harsh & do damage to your spirit & your body. If you turn it around & tell yourself "I'm smart, motivated, beautiful etc" then you are nurturing your soul & body & they will respond accordingly. It isn't delusion. It's perception. Train yourself to see things in a different, more positive light. You have to nourish yourself spiritually. Would a plant grow if you didn't water it & give it sunlight? If you stuck it in a dark corner & neglected it or worse yet were cruel to it? Of course not yet many of us do this to ourselves. We can be kind to others but neglect or abuse the most important person in our lives: ourselves.

Of course this is all easier to say than to do for someone who was born negative, whose first word was no, who was raised in a household with a negative, controlling mother (...welcome to my life) but it can be learned. It's a daily struggle but I'm working on it...