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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Would you rather be a MUSIC BOX or a GRANDFATHER CLOCK?


Would you rather be a MUSIC BOX or a GRANDFATHER CLOCK?

which is more nostalgic?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Music boxes represent significant moments in my life.

The first fight I witnessed between my mother and father when I was three, ended with my music box being smashed.

My father glued it back together for me but never found the little ceramic flame that sat atop the third candle in the candelabra. (it was a princess dressed in pink playing a guessed it ...with a candelabra on it)

When my parents divorced a few years later I wanted to vent so I blamed my dad for breaking the music box and huffed at him that he MUST buy me a new one to make it all better.

He did....

My sister venting her pain, smashed my new music box...on purpose.

I have a little bit of emotional distress when I see a music box now that I think about daughter was given one for Christmas two years ago....I gave it to the Salvation Army cause I didn't like it.....I rationalized that it was to cheesy...(three cartoon type angels sharing a halo)

I want to be a music box! I want the wounds healed...the pieces glued with forgiveness....

The smashed music boxes of my life, never once stopped working though...........

with all their scars, the music never stopped.......

Grandfather clocks don't hold the same drama for me, and we never had one in our family......I have no connection to them and I am and never will be a Grandfather........

Thanks for the blessed me..=)