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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> How do you draw something like this on photoshop?


How do you draw something like this on photoshop?

I really like the background of the silhouette...i'm not sure how to do it... I can get the "rays" down, but the style of 'wear and tear' I just can't seem to figure out! Also, the arwork sprawling from the mirrorball, i'm sure it's a custom shape, I frequently see it used. How do I get custom shapes like that? Also, the mirrorball was digitally created, how?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: PauTowers
this user does use these type of effects, the figured silhouette would be simple enough to create an outline and fill black, yet the backgrounds and patterns appear more like illustrator patterns and images then photoshop with extra effects, you can still do some pen drawing in photoshop, as it is integrated with illustrator for some features, it may still be better to do illustrations separate, then import and edit in photoshop, there are too many techniques used to list, so best keep practicing, and have fun, ☺

other tools,
Inkscape illustrator
GIMP installers for Windows GTK+