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Have any one used or other self-publishing website?

I'm going to try publish a book in However I wanted to know the experience of others that have used it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Kimberly's telling it like it is. As self-publishers go, lulu is fine--honest about what you get for your money, competent, even helpful--but it's not real publishing.

Self-publishing is never the way to go for fiction. Sales tend to equal or be a little less that the number of friends and family the author has, no more--not even if you market it hard.

However, for specialty writing--a fiction niche too small to interest publishers, but which you are a part of--it may be a decent choice. It's also fine for small runs like your family's genealogy, a town history, and poetry chapbooks.

BTW, there's no "try to publish a book in"--if your payment is good, they'll do it.