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Do you have to pay a casting agent?

I want to be an actress but i need an casting agent, but my family don't have $1000 or how much it cost to pay an casting agent.I live in Toronto Canada, and i am in the 8 grade.
Please help!
Thank You!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A legit casting agent? No you shouldn't have to pay them. CDs are hired by the producers of the project they are casting for. Essentially they are just another employee on the project.

From time to time, CDs may be invovled in workshops where you get a chance to perform once, or several times in front of the CD. This doesn't guarantee you a job, just a chance to be seen.

If you are looking for an agent on the other hand, that is a completely different story. But even then, legit agents should take no more than 10%, and that is after you have been paid. You shouldn't have to pay anything up front at all. The only out of pocket expenses you should have are for headshots, resumes and basic audition costs.