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DUDLEY a wizard?

Any ideas on who is going to do magic in a later life?
JKR already said that its not any of the squibs, aunt petunia or uncle vernon..
so who else would there be?
i think its dudley.

here is why i think that.
petunia doesnt care what happens to harry, so why would she take him in?
i think she made an agreement with dumbledore that dudley wouldnt have magic powers if harry stayed.

and thats why she keeps harry.

i also think that dudley and petunia were under the invisibility cloak when lilly and james died. what else could have scared dudley as bad as the dementors did.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Actually, I think Dudley might be the one who is going to do magic later in life. I'm not sure if he was under the Invisibility Cloak the night the Potters died, but it's definitely possible that Petunia knows about his powers.