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What if our Lives were really just Triangles? Hear me out...?

What if ultimately, our Lives were just Triangles? That is, say you have a triangle, and each line represents the sum total of our *Decisions* and *Choices* as follows:

--Line A is the sum total of our *Selfish* decisions, our choices to Take for Ourselves,
--Line B is the sum total of our *Altruistic* decisions, our choices to Give to Others, and,
--Line C is the sum total of our *Visionary* decisions, or our choices to Create for Posterity (or for Future Generations, or for Eternity, or the Universe in general)?

And what if the whole idea was to maintain a *closed figure*, so to speak? That is, to *Not* let any one side get so long (and the others so short too) that you can't have a proper figure and the whole thing ends up collapsing into a flat line?

I'm asking in part because I had a really odd dream, a vision of short, I saw the worst-case scenario (collapse into selfishness) and it didn't seem *so bad*.

What say you? Thanks for your time! ^_^

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4 days ago
Heh. I guess I should explain. The dream I had, involved my being in an advanced maths class where we were running lives in a computer simulation. We had a *guest* show up, and she had entered her life in detail into the program, which would then play out her life in virutal reality...we students got to tweak the parameters of some of her decisions as she "lived" her life over again in simulation.

She thought she was a good person, and her real life seemed to show as much. But once she was in simulation, I tweaked *one* major decision, and her life collapsed around her Line A of selfishness. It ended up sending her back to Square One (the peaceful place from which she was before she was born) for the remainder of the time she was in simulation (she "died" basically).

The catch is: Square One was a peaceful, pleasant place...but it hadn't changed since she had left. She had. Not to mention, she was lonely, & didn't have much to do there.

It was lonely, boring, but hardly hell.

4 days ago
Good point regarding Mother Theresa--I don't know how she spelled her name either--but I think with her, at least some of her near endless giving was motivated by Visionary desires too. As in, it came as much from her faith as it did from her desire to give to others...good call though. ^_^

3 days ago
Hmm...ok, I do get it that I'm not the greatest at this whole "asking Questions" thing. I probably should have had some caffiene in my system & given this one some more thought before asking this question in its current, over-simplified form. Sorry.

But I rather am looking at this like a stricter form of the Venn diagram, you know, the three overlapping circles that are used sometimes to explain systems theory and its dynamics? Basically, the idea is, you have three lines or sides, they're made up of points, with each point representing a decision that you make, or a *choice* that you make of your own free will and consent. I guess that's one limitation right there, that we don't get to choose or consent to everything in life....I get that, believe me I do. It's the story of my life, it's been all about being unable to make the Good Decision, being forced to choose the Evil of Two Lessers. My being forced to choose the least *sucky* of my options...

3 days ago
But what also interests me about the metaphor, as limited as it is, is that you have some points, or decisions, that are *at* or at least *near* the corners, or angles where one could argue that the conditions of Selfishness, Altruism, and Vision (of Posterity) overlap.

And basically, it also has me thinking, that if the whole thing is a dynamic construct that changes with each decision we make, then that also means implicitly that some decision points--particularly the angled or combined ones--will change dramatically over time. So what *was* once a Good Choice in time can end up a Bad Choice, or vice versa.

But yeah. I admit, this idea needed more caffiene before I posted it up as a Question here. But I was trying to keep it simple and sense rambling on about 5th-dimensional hyper-quadrahedrons and what not....I have no doubt that as 3-dimensional people that we show more "surfaces" than just the ones from our Choices & Decisions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 days ago
Heh. I guess I should explain. The dream I had, involved my being in an advanced maths class where we were running lives in a computer simulation. We had a *guest* show up, and she had entered her life in detail into the program, which would then play out her life in virutal reality...we students got to tweak the parameters of some of her decisions as she "lived" her life over again in simulation.

She thought she was a good person, and her real life seemed to show as much. But once she was in simulation, I tweaked *one* major decision, and her life collapsed around her Line A of selfishness. It ended up sending her back to Square One (the peaceful place from which she was before she was born) for the remainder of the time she was in simulation (she "died" basically).

The catch is: Square One was a peaceful, pleasant place...but it hadn't changed since she had left. She had. Not to mention, she was lonely, & didn't have much to do there.

It was lonely, boring, but hardly hell.