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Is god real?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The concept of God

Two types of philosophical premises have always separated any philosophical system ever thought out:

1. Philosophies with PRIMACY OF CONSCOUSNESS

2. Philosophies with PRIMACY OF EXISTENCE

The first group of philosophies is the most ancient and the most popular. It started the day prehistoric humans asked themselves scientific questions which they could not answer: who makes the rain? what is lightening? what causes a volcano to erupt? what causes earthquakes? what are the stars? Since primitive people depended on nature like all other animals for their survival, their conceptual brains allowed them to imagine or hypothesize some answers to these questions. They gave natural events consciousness, i.e. intentional power to do things. Some tribal leaders invented the idea that sacrificing animals or people to the gods of nature might persuade the gods to give them rain, or sunny days, or wind, or stop any of these events. Sometimes the gods would seem to actually answer these requests because if they carried out rituals long enough, eventually it would rain! This gave the leader great power and its tribesmen began to worship him like a god himself. That's how the first religious cults began among all primitive and ancient societies. A cult is defined as a group of people who believe that their leader receives revelations from a supernatural consciousness.

Any philosophy which declares in its metaphysical premise that there is a consciousness which creates and controls reality is a variation of this primitive idea.

The idea that any type of consciousness -- divine, human or animal -- does not and cannot exist independent from a physical body is the philosophy which starts with the PRIMACY of EXISTENCE. In this philosophy, consciousness cannot be the cause of physical reality but its effect. This philosophy regards the universe and its laws as existing on its own and from it we derive all kinds of things, including life and consciousness such as that which we find in nature and in ourselves. Only after the 17th century philosophers began to formulate ideas that placed existence above consciousness, that is reality as we know it above reality as we imagine it to be. These philosophies reject the idea that a cosmic consciousness (God) could exists independent of the existence of the universe, could create matter, have a plan of how the universe should be and have the power to make the laws of the universe, such as the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, etc. This philosophy rejects the idea that God is a consciousness that rules the universe as He pleases because he is omnipotent. This means that matter, the laws of nature and the universe depend on him, but he does not depend on them. This means he can also violate the rules of nature, and when he decides to do so we call those violations...MIRACLES! If God wants, he can make a man walk on water, he can give him the power to multiply bread and fish, he can make a virgin give birth, he can even make a dead person come back to life. These violations of the laws of nature are only possible if we believe that consciousness comes before existence. Science has no evidence that there is any kind of consciousness capable of even think without a physical brain, let alone violate the laws of nature!