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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Tell me why it has come down to this please?


Tell me why it has come down to this please?

It made news that people were waiting on line for days just to be the first to purchase the new iphone which cost $600. Why why why do people covet such material things that they are driven to do that? Do you think thet would use their "valuable" time and money for people or children in need or are they just so caught up in their own little materialistic world? Why is this so important to people? Answer what you wish.... thanks for listening and.. have a nice day. ; )

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4 days ago
In response to guru: This is not about the $$, per se, but about the concept of coveting material possessions so much so that they must be the first one in line to get it by waiting days in advance on line. I am suggesting a glitch in the priorities of people today. Why is it so important is my question? NOT,Can we accept them spending the $? Does that clarify anything?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 days ago
In response to guru: This is not about the $$, per se, but about the concept of coveting material possessions so much so that they must be the first one in line to get it by waiting days in advance on line. I am suggesting a glitch in the priorities of people today. Why is it so important is my question? NOT,Can we accept them spending the $? Does that clarify anything?