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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Any facts about the Falklands that may not be well known?


Any facts about the Falklands that may not be well known?

I am doing a presentation in Spanish about the Falklands (pre and post war) and wondered if anyone had any trivial facts about the islands.
For example, there was a hovercraft testing station there before it was moved to HMS Daedalus in Hampshire.

Things like that.

The best one(s) will get the 10 points, and a source/reference would be good to back it up. Also, it is about quality not quantity!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First trivia fact: There is a bird that lives in the Falkland Islands that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. it is called the Striated Caracara.

Although it can fly, because of the very windy conditions and lack of trees it mainly walks, or flies very low to the ground.

During the summer it lives off things like penguin chicks and will go down underground into penguin burrows to find them. It will also turn over small rocks and stones on the beach with its beak to find other small creatures to eat.

During the winter months it will invade the towns, knocking the tops off dustbins and if someone is stupid enough to leave the back door open a dozen or more will invade the kitchen for food turning over pots and pans.

It is known locally as the devil bird because it is such a nuisance, but it is just a survivor that had adapted well to its environment.

Second trivia fact: The SS Great Britain, the world's first iron clad hull passenger ship, built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, was shipwrecked on the Falkland Islands and was rusting away until funds were raised to bring it back to the UK where it has now been restored to all its former glory and is now berthed in Bristol and open to the public to view.

if you google either of these I am sure you will find plenty of reference sources, good luck with your presentation