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Can being thoughtful.. bad?

I am a thoughtful person. I think before I speak or write anything.

Sometimes, people think I am stupid or dumb because I answer a question slowly. The truth is..I ponder over the question..I want to see the big picture.

Yesterday, my sister asked me, "Did you forget anything in Dan's car?" ...I think about what she said to make sure..if I don't forget anything..It took me a few seconds to answer her...She complained that I think too much, and the question should be answered immediately, no need to think too much.

Do you think being I stupid? When should I stop being thoughtul?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One of the desperate needs of the human species is thoughtfulness. If people would put their brain in motion before moving their mouth, the world would most probably be in a much better state than it is today. Keep thinking, please!