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Do you think I should be a writer?

I am 17 years old and attend High school. I got motivated when my english teacher said that I can make a pretty good writer some day. The problem is............I don't even know what I should write about........I have four novels that I want to write that's in my head, but when I look at my blank mind turns blank.
Does anyone have any hints or tips? I thank you for reading my question.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First of all, you need to work on your grammar. You have four novels that ARE in your head. Not everyone is meant to be an author. There are other jobs in the publishing industry - editor, agent, etc. If you don't feel the motivation to write, I would suggest you not force yourself. It it's meant to be, it will happen. If you cannot even brainstorm ideas in a notebook, I don't see you having the focus or stamina to spend a year or two working on a novel. Pax -C