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What's a lyre???

it's for marching band, but i have no idea what it is!!!
and with it, i have to get a flip folder, too. can someone tell me what this is?!?!?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: wow people are fricking dumb..... not you.... the people saying that lyres are little string instruments they should know you don't need that with a flip folder for marching band

haha ok like someone else said they are metal pieces that clip to a part of your insturment and your flip folder that holds your music clips to it............ it depends on what insturment you play every instrument has a totally different lyre.......... I play the clarinet and mine is a ring that goes around the top of the lower section of my clarinet and theres a black plastic clip that holds my flip folder

for flute players they done have lyres that clip to thier instruments they have a plastic thing that like straps on to thier arms

clarinet lyre -

trumpet -

sax -

trombone -

flute ((Flutist Friend)) -

Hope I was able to help you.