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Who were America's four best cavalry commanders ?

Two horse cavalry and two mechanized cavalry ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is opinion based on lots of history reading. Probably the best horse cavalry commander was J. E. B. Stuart, who commanded Lee's cavalry during the Civil War. He was flamboyant, but he was also a sound tactition. Another excellent cavalry commander was Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was an out and out daredevil. during the same period, Phillip Sheridan was a respected cavalry commander for the Union Army, who went west after the Civil War and commanded cavalry in the Indian wars. In this area, don't overlook some of the Native American leaders. Sheridan himself said that the Sioux/northern Cheyenne were the finest light cavalry in the world.

Mechanized cavalry came into its own during WWII. George Patton was probably the best armored cavalry commander this country has ever produced. His armored divisions could have been in Berlin weeks before the Russians if Eisenhower had permitted it. Gen. Omar Bradley was another notable commander in WWII.