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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Is it politically correct to say you read a book if you listened to it on an aud


Is it politically correct to say you read a book if you listened to it on an audio cd?

Is that still considered reading?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know about the PC part, but as far as whether it's still considered reading, all information ingestion is reading. Reading is the act of interpreting, internally, with words. Decoding words to suit the meaning you ascribe to that information. That is true of TV, movies, and so on. You cannot recite any information, internally, or externally, without words. There is simply no meaning there if there are no words to attach to whatever it is. Blind people listen to audio tapes all the time...what are they doing? Aural cultures still exist...what are they doing? Reading is not simply scanning words on a page: reading is interpreting information of all kinds, including reading people's body language.