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Is this world evil?

If you think about it from when it first originated, we had nothing but our own minds, flesh bodies which were under the mercy of weather, other people/animals, diseases, etc, nowadays all the stuff that goes on, and aside from all that,

the sheer COMPLEXITY of everything that's around us. This world houses how many billions of people, and we have MANNNNY corporations in which we're just a pawn player, that alone should be like some scary movie scenario, in which we're just nothings.

This world to me, is like a weird "SLIDERS" episode, that's a show where these teens would enter other worlds similar to ours but all had something different about them.

This world feels wrong, and the biggest thing about it is, NO ONE seems to realize this.

Why do people go on every day like it's all okay, when this world has some serious issues/problems.

It's too complex, and weird.

Add on top if it the expectations of our societies, parents/relatives, etc, how could this all be GOOD?

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4 days ago
I mean on one hand, we have amazing discoveries, inventions and this world is a great place if we put our minds to work and make things happen, but it just seems like a "Clash of the wills" type of place where too much goes on, it's just weird.

I feel paranoid and weireded out just talking about it, but I want to know if at least ONE person out there feels even close to the way I do.

Or, if I'm alone in this way of thinking.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 days ago
I mean on one hand, we have amazing discoveries, inventions and this world is a great place if we put our minds to work and make things happen, but it just seems like a "Clash of the wills" type of place where too much goes on, it's just weird.

I feel paranoid and weireded out just talking about it, but I want to know if at least ONE person out there feels even close to the way I do.

Or, if I'm alone in this way of thinking.