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Is Life an "Adventure" for you?

So far for me it isn't. But im still working towards that.

thnx for responding!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not at the moment but it has been in the past.

I've been to Europe (visited London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Venice, Munich) & NYC (stood on the top of the World Trade Center in March 2000. Couldn't have imagined it wouldn't be there after Sept 11...)
I climbed a mountain while wearing a dress in Bavaria.
I've been a model/actress on tv & in print, and have been on the radio & the cover of the newspaper as a singer/songwriter.
I've won several scholastic awards & medals.
I've had poetry published in literary journals & did a comic strip for a magazine.
I've shown my artwork & sold a couple of paintings.
I had a craft booth & sold sculptures, pictures & other crafts.
I did stand-up on amateur night (you can't imagine how scary that is! But people actually laughed which was awesome.)
I rested my head on a tiger.
I rode in a helicopter.
I was the first one on the dancefloor in a crowded bar performing for strangers.
I love rollercoasters & rides at Wonderland.
I love scary movies.
I've dated myriad interesting characters. I dated a 31 yr old when I was 19. I dated a 19 year old when I was 33.
I bought a house by myself in a new community & started a new life.
I've dared to fall in love & have my heart broken.
I've dared to go after my dreams even if I fail.
I've dared to speak my mind even when it got me into trouble.

I plan to go skydiving one day. I want to travel again.

Your life can be an adventure you just have to make it one. Go out & take risks. Stretch your boundaries. Have fun. Get out of your comfort zone. You only live once. Might as well make it exciting (within reason! Don't do anything too crazy, dangerous or illegal please!)

Take care.