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Is it true Hermione gets killed in the order of the phoenix?

Has anyone read the book and can answer that? I have always loved Hermione's character so if she is killed I don't want to see the movie. Is it true Hermione gets killed in The order of the phoenix?

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3 days ago
NOVELIST: You are a jerk! I am a single mom working full time as a social worker, trying to sell my house and get a better job. I enjoy the HP movies but don't have much time to read-unfortunately-since it's something I enjoy. However, there is no such thing as a stupid question,only stupid people that want to make others feel bad because they ask questions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
NOVELIST: You are a jerk! I am a single mom working full time as a social worker, trying to sell my house and get a better job. I enjoy the HP movies but don't have much time to read-unfortunately-since it's something I enjoy. However, there is no such thing as a stupid question,only stupid people that want to make others feel bad because they ask questions.