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Im always writing but need help!?

okay i always seem to write stories...always start with good ideas and never finish because i get stuck. i want to start fresh with a new idea...does anyone have any good ideas (im into the whole mystery/horror...something with a twist) or does anyone have any tips to get through writers block?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It takes effort and creativity to overcome writer's block.

To start with, I suggest putting some time between you and your writing. After a few days, you'll come back to the project with a freshened mind and even fresh ideas. It will help you to also judge the merit of your work.

You might try reading all sorts of stuff. Choose from an array of different subjects and mediums, like blogs, live journals, newspapers (local and national), period literature, old diaries, friends' written works, and anything else. Not only will reading help to expand your vocabulary but it will also act as a reservoir of ideas.

Writers need experience, so go out and try something new. Here are some suggests: Maybe start playing an instrument, join a club or community service program, act at the local theater on or off stage. Getting out into the world will help you craft your own.

Try different styles of writing. Ever thought of poetry? Or writing a realistic piece? What about journal writing or an essay on morals...there are limitless options.

As for topics of horror, look at common things that people do and find a way to, as you say, "twist" how it works. What about modern technology, current trends in political thought, or local/urban legends. Find a small concern and exaggerate, embellish, or twist some fundamental practice into something diabolical.

If you're caught up in certain scenes of your stories, try to visualize the environment of your characters. As you begin to see the world through their eyes, it will be easier to perceive the world through their mind. It's sort of like a trance, intense focus in an alternative frame of mind.

I could go on and on! Good luck beating writer's block.