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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Is this rude or what??? Only people who read The Goblet of fire will understand.


Is this rude or what??? Only people who read The Goblet of fire will understand.?

Ok Remember when Karkaraff offered Crum some wine, and Crum didn't want any, and then ithis other boy asked if he could have some wine, and Karkaraff said..."NO, I see you dribbled food all over the front of you, YOU DISGUSTING BOY!" Why would he say that?? In front of his Peers there was no reason to be so DAMN RUDE!!!! He could have just told him no... I HATE that f**king bastard. I wish I could track him down and shove bambo shutes up his finger nails, he is just this cruel awful person i have EVER read about, HE IS WORSE THAN VOLDEMORNT HIMSELF!!!!!! damn him to hell!!!!! so do you think what he said to the poor boy was rude or what???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Haha, he's rude, all right! But that just shows how great an author J.K. Rowling is. I mean, I found myself wanting to smack him and every other character like him. That's what keeps me addicted. =)