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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Whats the most beautiful thing you've ever seen or heard of?


Whats the most beautiful thing you've ever seen or heard of?

Im curious to see what kind of deep stuff people can come up with as well as what they define as "beautiful". People can find anything beautiful. so i must ask again, what is the most beautiful thing youve ever seen or heard of?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi Defconcow32,
My blind dog... He is so smart, cute and has the most loving spirit... :)
Also, Art depicting the human body, a person nude and comfortable with themselves....
And that look of love, between a parent and child, or two lovers.... , I find beauty in music...
Think of someone you love, and then look at your face in the mirror............ :D

Thanks, for the question! :)

My regards!

Take care!