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I want to play the guitar but i dont like lessons. how can i get good without lessons?

i hate music lessons but i really want to play the guitar and bass to a decent standard. i have tried lessons once and i will not go back. how can i achieve a high standard by smyself? do i buy mags that teach u the basics or just play about by myself? i need help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is like saying I want to get to town but I don't like roads. It could be that you haven't met the right teacher, and it might be that the expense is more than you think you can afford right now. You need to know however, that you are taking the long way around when it comes to learning. If you don't know where to go, you ask somebody who's been there. Well, I can't say that I was any different at one time, so I will share the beginnings of my journey and maybe it will get you far enough down the road to realize that a guide is better than a road map. Then again, it might work out as well for you as it did for me!

1. Every time you meet someone who knows more about the guitar than you do, bother them until they teach you one thing. Don't be greedy and bother them over and over again (unless you can get away with it or they volunteer) and never forget that when people start bothering you it isn't an inconvenience, it just means that you've made it!

2. We only practice on days that end with a Y. We only practice on days that we eat. Feed the mouth, feed the mind, feed the soul. Don't let any part of you go hungry, right down to your fingers. There's a practical reason for this as well, but you'll figure that out as soon as you realize that you need callouses on the tips of your left hand if you want to play for any length of time.

3. Keep a log or a journal of what you know. Learn to write out music, and learn to draw a chord frame. It's not that hard and it is really something to look back at when you get those inevitable feelings that you aren't getting anywhere.

4. Since you are not learning from one particular person, you are learning from everyone. Keep that attitude. There is no such thing as a self made man. Every one of them had a mother - so there! (I get silly sometimes) But there is a serious point here. Acknowledge your teachers. You gain credibility from it. Would you think less of me if I told you that I have received instruction from world class guitarists? Of course not! You would want to know the secrets I "Tricked" out of them (Yeah right, in reality they were probably taking pity on me, but we all fall to the sin of pride now and then, don't we!)

I'm going to put a few links down below. They are pretty much the same links I share with everyone who asks this type of question. They are the same links I share with my students. Yes, I am a teacher now. I learned another valuable lesson along my path. In life, you are either a student or a teacher. Get the best teachers you can get because someday, you are destined to be one yourself!

Good luck on your quest. You know where I am if you need a shove in the right direction.