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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> I wrote this for shadow a while back, I'm moving on soon from the tyranny of Y/


I wrote this for shadow a while back, I'm moving on soon from the tyranny of Y/A.?

eyes of pain

I saw her skinny legs from a mile away,
How she walked and ran straight my way.
As she approached, her hair a mess,
On her body a filthy dress.

She came my way a little at first,
Her eyes devoured my drink with pure thirst.
I offered her the rest, and to my dismay,
She bolted, and she ran away.

I thought I'd seen her once before,
Rooting in trash, outside my door.
Her eyes, that's what I saw...were mean,
As if no love, those eyes had ever seen.

Around the corner, I found her there,
That little girl with the matted hair.
A tear dropped down her filthy cheek,
As she gave me just a subtle little peek.

She turned and ran without a word,
Tripped and stumbled, her pain I heard.
I've never seen that little girl again,
The tiny little thing, one without sin.

I wrote this for Shadow and it still ranks as one of the most sad things I've ever written. It is still for Shadow, but I don't think she'll mind if I share it with you again.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Wow dark angel you sure do write a magnificent poem With your thoughts you describe the poem great that my heart hurts for you. That is a great writer . Dark Angel ' you hare not going so soon are you.I just seen taking this up to mail it ' that your going, If so thank you for the most beautiful poems ever; now i;m crying also,,If you do go ; but i;m praying you won;t yet ; but whatever you decide; thank-you for all your kindness as you have been so kind to me you Shelly