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My soft pastels don't blend,why?

I mean when I try to blend them with my fingers,they don't work.Could it be possible that I kept them for too long and they dried out or something,please help,I need to know if I need to buy new ones!!!♥Thank you all!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are several variables to consider.
Different brands vary in softness. Smooth paper allows the pastels to literally 'slip' off. Pastel paper always has a grain or pattern ( tiny bumps and dips to grab the color.)
Perhaps you you are pushing the color off with your fingers, try using a stub ( rolled paper sticks $1.99 @ Joann ETC) to blend the colors.
My pastels never dry out and I recently found a 30 year old box buried in the attic and it was just fine.
Experiment a bit with them. Maybe you're out of practice using's kind of like riding a bike--you gotta practice.