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Strengthen and toughen my fingers for playing guitar?

I'm learning guitar and I only know a couple of chords, but how do I strengthen my fingers, and toughen my fingertips up? Any tips are helpful. I heard from someone (can't remember who) to put rubbing alcohol on my fingertips after playing and it can help a little, but it doesn't seem to help that much. Other than just keep playing (which I'm doing) anything I can do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: None of that helps, I just got done teaching a fifteen year old girl who said the same thing in the beginning. I warned her it was going to take about three months of playing daily to develop the callouses that you need before it stops hurting. You only need to do it for about twenty minutes a day and you'll see in a few months you'll have them, there not too pretty, but playing is more important. She now has them and it makes playing a lot easier. She had a lot of trouble making cords in the beginning also, but now she's jumping from an F cord to a G with ease, it all depends on how bad you want to play and how much time your willing to put into it. Are you starting with cords or are you learning with a teacher, reading music? I always tell people to go to Sam Ash and get a beginners book with a Cd in the back so that you can follow your progress. If your starting on your on with just cords play them about twenty minutes a day and after a bit you'll see it gets easier and easier, you'll be changing cords like a pro, as difficult as it seems in the beginning believe me you'll see the biggest difference in three months of daily playing. I know I see it all the time with my students. Don't give up too soon, you'll get there, and good luck to you !!!!!!