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What do I wear to my college dance team tryout?

Should I pull my hair back? I looked on their website and found nothing about appearance, but most other sites say to wear something form fitting so that they can see my lines. Should I go with a leotard, a sports bra or just a tank top? Do I need to wear tights? What kind of shoes work best, tennis shoes, ballet, barefoot?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Definitely wear your hair pulled back- you should probably do a pony tail not a bun though unless its a ballet tryout. (If it is a ballet tryout, stick to the basics- pink tights, black leotard, bun and pink ballet slippers) My best guess is to go with a black leotard and tan tights as your base. Bring tight fitting black jazz pants and tight "short shorts". If the girls from the team are wearing pants, wear pants; if they are wearing shorts, wear shorts. Bring a tight and colorful top that would help you stand out. If everyone else is in black then you can always take it off, but even if you have it on when you walk in the door hopefully it will help you be recognized/remembered. Bring ballet shoes, jazz shoes and lyrical sandals if you have them. Its better to bring more and not use it then to bring less and need it. Try your hardest to wear what you feel is appropriate once you see the girls from the team but dont worry about it too much. They should be more concerned about your dance ability than your outfit anyways. Just dance your heart out and you'll be noticed no matter what you are wearing!! Good luck!