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Position:Home>Arts & Humanities> Can anyone help with the start of a story, Please?


Can anyone help with the start of a story, Please?

I have added a never ending story to my website, However it does not have a start and was wondering if anyone would help us with the start of it.

Please also let me know if I can use it to start the never ending story of, and if you would like your yahoo screen name has the author.

I will award 10 points to the person who can start it of.

Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Somewhere in the mists of time there must exist a record of how it all started.
I've tried to remember, searched every conceivable corner of myself for that elusive memory, to no avail.
As I recall the day was warm. Evening was falling gently and the perfume of the coming night was a promise on the breeze. But the exact moment, the specific instant when things went from ordinary to the beginning of what was to become this adventure, I simply cannot say.